
Monday, January 31, 2022

Sheela Lambert

Elizabeth speaks with Sheela Lambert, Director of the Bi Writers Association and the Bisexual Book Awards. Sheela shares a special announcement.

The Bi Writers Association

Bi Writers Association Website
Facebook: @biwriters
Twitter: @BiBookAwards 

Bi Writers Conference: September 2022 Join the conference committee

Bisexual Book Awards

Watch video of the 9th Annual Bisexual Book Awards & Multi-Arts Reading: 

Bi People in the Arts-Monthly Join meetings online here

Sheela's Books:

Editor, Anthology of Bisexual Poetry project: Submissions open!

Editor, Best Bi Short Stories: Bisexual Fiction
Triple Finalist: Lammy Awards, Bisexual Book Awards & Rainbow Awards
Buy the book: Goodreads or Amazon

Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday, October 4, 2021

Jen Winston

Elizabeth and Mick talk with Jen Winston about her memoir Greedy: Notes from a Bisexual Who Wants Too Much.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Gayle Forman

Elizabeth and Mick chat with Gayle Forman, author of Frankie & Bug.

Frankie & Bug goes on sale October 12th.

Find Gayle Forman on 
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @gayleforman